What is face fit?

A Face Fit Test is a simple Test which checks whether a persons Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) fits their face shape and size.

A Face Fit Test will help to ensure the Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) selected is suitable for the wearer, and will protect them.

During the Face Fit Test, the wearer (wearer of the mask) will be asked to undertake a number of small movement tasks, for example, turning the head from side to side, and touching toes.

Each test takes no more then 20minutes.

Arco offer a Quantitative method face fit test.

IMPORTANT Pre Test Information:

All wearers must be clean shaven at the time of Testing – around the facial area within the seal of the face mask.

Wearers must refrain from smoking for 1 hour prior to testing.


Further detailed information on Face Fit Testing can be found at : https://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/indg479.htm